At English Martyrs’, we are dedicated to meeting the individual needs of our children in our happy, caring and safe environment. Key Stage 1 is comprised of 2 year groups: Year 1 (ages 5-6) and Year 2 (ages 6-7). Children enter Key Stage 1 in Year 1.
Our Teachers
- Year 1 Teacher: Miss K. Clarke
- Year 2 Teacher: Miss A. Watson
- Teaching Assistant: Mrs H. Thompson
- Teaching Assistant: Mrs J. Palmer
In Key Stage 1 we build on the foundations of learning laid by the EYFS team, to encourage and support children to become happy, independent learners, who are confident in their own abilities. Our caring, dedicated team continues to develop the whole child, through the use of paired discussion tasks, directed role play, collaborative learning activities and circle time, in which children are also encouraged to develop their speaking, listening and social skills
In Key Stage 1, the timetable becomes more structured as children begin to study the National Curriculum. We regard the acquisition and development of children’s key skills in reading, writing and mathematics as being central to their current and future learning. In addition to daily English and Maths lessons, children are regularly encouraged to apply their Literacy and Numeracy skills in other subjects, via the Creative Curriculum
Our bespoke creative curriculum, which is comprised of exciting and stimulating topics has been designed and written by our teaching team to meet the individual needs and interests of our children.
Assessment in Key Stage 1
In Key Stage 1, children’s work is marked daily and feedback is given to them to inform their next steps. Children in Year 2 are invited to begin evaluating their own learning by responding, in green pen, to short questions.
Teacher assessments are made of children’s current levels of achievement each half term. These are based on children’s work and cover the full range and scope of the programmes of study and take account of the evidence of achievement in a range of contexts, including that gained through discussion and observation. Children’s levels of attainment are shared with parents at termly open evenings and targets for children’s future learning are discussed.
Statutory Assessments in Key Stage 1
The Government requires assessments to be made of children’s attainment in Key Stage 1. These take place in Year 1 and Year 2. Children in Year 1 must take the National Phonics Screening check during the summer term. The Department of Education (DfE) states that:
“The phonics screening check is a short, light-touch assessment to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. It will identify the children who need extra help so they are given support by their school to improve their reading skills. “
The screening check is a short (approx. 10 mins) test of children’s decoding skills, carried out by their class teacher. It is a list of real words and non-words that is provided to all schools by the DfE. The minimum score required to meet the required standard of reading is specified by the government each year. If a child does not meet the standard, they will be provided with extra support and will retake the screening check in Year 2.
Children in Year 2 take the Key Stage 1 Assessment tests (SATs) which are reported to parents alongside teacher assessments.